Sambazon Açaí Bowls Use a Compostable Plastic

Kuki Tran & Allison Carmen
3 min read Sustainability
Category Sustainability
Read time 3 minutes
Sambazon Açaí Bowls Use a Compostable Plastic


Did you know over 270 million tons of plastic is produced each year?   That’s just production; we must also consider the amount of plastic waste that accumulates per year.  A staggering 275 million tons of plastic waste, which includes rollover from plastic purchased in years prior, accumulates each year cluttering drains, entering waterways, and taking nearly 1,000 years to degrade in our landfills. 



Because plastic waste is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time, Sambazon is committed to reducing our impact on our planet while sharing the delicious powers of Açaí. That’s why the Açaí bowl cups we use at our two cafés and mobile kitchen are made of an environmentally friendly compostable plastic called Ingeo PLA, manufactured by WorldCentric! They may look like plastic and perform like plastic, but they're actually made from plants (like corn) instead of petrochemicals from fossil fuels. 

Quick facts about World Centric’s Ingeo PLA cup bowls: 


  • Not hazardous or toxic during production and manufacturing

  • Production uses 52% less energy and produces 80% less greenhouse gas emissions than traditional petroleum-based resin serving cups or bowls

  • Biodegradable in commercial composting since they’re plant-based, specifically made from starchy plants grown right here in the U.S. 

  • Tested to be non-toxic and decompose back into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass when composted commercially

  • Certified breakdown in commercial composting facilities in 3-6 months

Another reason we have chosen to serve our AçaÍ in compostable plastic is because traditional plastics that are not clean and dry will not get recycled whereas compostable plastics like World Centric’s Ingeo PLA can be commercially composted along with remaining food residue! A large part of what goes in the garbage is food and food-soiled materials, so composting actually makes a significant dent diverting food waste from landfills. This makes World Centric’s Ingeo PLA a wise choice to use in food service.




Global leaders are calling on businesses to fully commit to sustainable business practices if we want to combat the challenges of climate change and the issues it continues to pose. World Centric’s business model addresses a real need in decreasing traditional plastic production and the waste it creates, which is the type of company Sambazon wants to support. As a 3BL (Triple Bottom Line) company, our focus on sustainability initiatives drives the work we do from operations, product production and packaging, to farming, and the social impact work we do.  We couldn’t be more proud to serve you our delicious and nutritious Açaí in World Centric’s Ingeo PLA bowls!  The next time you visit our cafés for a healthy treat, remember the intention behind our decision to serve our products in compostable bowls made from renewable resources. We look forward to serving you the delicious powers of Açaí!

**Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of Sambazon. 



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